Western Sydney Rainbow Connection

Nepean Blue Mountains LHD

Listening, Action  and Outcomes

About us

LGBTQIA+ network in Penrith – servicing the Nepean Blue Mountains LHD.

An LGBTQIA+ inclusive steering committee whose primary purpose is to help service the LGBTQIA+ community and it’s allies by listening to their needs, and incorporating these needs into our respective organisations.

Meeting Details

Our steering committee meetings are online once a month. Meeting minutes and agendas are sent out and regular updates and opportunities are shared over email amongst network members.

We have our very popular “Speaker Series” every second month where we showcase excellent speakers from across the network and share resources and upcoming events.

How to join our network

To join our network drop an email to Network Chair: Xena Fischer via email on gamblingawareness@washhouse.org.au

Our events

Check out our events below – or visit all the network events page to what’s happening out and about, on and offline in our Western Sydney LGBTIQ community.


Identify opportunities to promote inclusiveness including the promotion of campaigns such as International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia and Wear it Purple Day.


Promote and support consolidation of collaborative partnerships between organizations to promote community development, health promotion, human rights and social justice for the marginalized communities.


Raise awareness about sexual diversity through organized education campaigns, media, radio to address misconception and misinformation.


Discuss organisational issues that affect marginalised communities such as LGBTIQA communities & identify improvements that can be made.